The Update on Essa

Well, we just returned from Kansas City. There we went to Children's Mercy. It was a very nice trip. We were able to have dinner with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. We also were able to go swimming and visit the KC Zoo. It was absolutely beautiful! We, of course, ended our trip with the hospital and here is the update on Essa...

They were supposed to run a growth hormone stimulation test on her, but upon arrival, they decided against it. It is a very involved test (last 3 hours and giving medicine and taking blood every 1/2 hour for the duration of the test). Their reasoning for bypassing this test is because she is still so young that they have plenty of time to resolve this matter before it becomes permanently damaging to her body. So therefore, they want to continue to monitor her and look for other solutions before they put her through so much. So, we are going to see a Gastrointestinal Specialists (also from KC, but will be coming to Springfield to meet with us) in September. There they will evaluate her and ensure that she is absorbing all the nutrients from her food. Their question is since she is in taking so many calories- where are they going? This has been our question for several months now! So we will meet with them, then we have another appointment set up again with the Endocrinologists Specialists in Dec. If the results come back normal from the GI dr, then they will look into doing the specialist tests. They said that even if they do nothing for another year, she still has plenty of time to catch up. Thank you everyone for your prayers and concerns. I simply can not believe the support we are receiving from all of you- it means so much to us. Thank You! So... here are a few pics from our KC trip!

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