
So these are TOTALLY out of order, but I'm WAY behind, and if I take the time to put them all in order, it will take me 3 days! It already took several hours just to get them posted! This is a recap going all the way back to Jan. Here we go...

These are some I snapped of Essa on Saturday. Her Great-Grandma Blankenship bought her this outfit when she was born, and of course- she can still wear it. It used to be a dress, but now its a shirt. I adore this hat!

And because I couldn't decide which one I liked better... I posted them both!

Eleesia goofing off at the studio...

I don't think people really believe me when I say she eats, sleeps, and pees with this thing! Obviously the people who try to seperate her from her puppy have never experienced firsthand the love kids can have. They have never had to blow dry a puppy just so the child can go to bed.

She is such a girly girl! Mom was rolling Grandma's hair (as she does every Sat.), so of course, Eleesia had to have hers rolled too! I thought it was just too cute for words!

And some from Eleesia at her dance class! This is how she really feels about dance!

Some while we were cleaning the studio. This is SO our life!!

And Jemma taking a break from heavy mopping!

Here are some one of the bunnies we are having at the studio on Sat. We are SO excited about this event. We are bunny sitting him until our event is over. This is when we first brought him home. The kids LOVE him!

!Playing with my new flash in the hallway! I call this "Hallelujah"

These were taken during that snow we had back in Jan.
She likes the taste!
Making snow angels!

Want to know what I shoot when my subjects get tired of me?

And when all else fails....

So we went to the zoo last week when it was absolutely gorgeous! The girls are wearing the dresses I made them for this Sat. bunny and chick pictures. The print has little chicks all over it. They really wanted to wear them early, and what better place than the zoo!

One of my fav. animals!
Navigating.... hmm.... SO their fathers genes!
And my other fav. animal? I'll give you a clue...

Us goofing off one day. I LOVE Eleesia's expression in this one!

Brotherly love!

And I finally got a good one!
So this is so her....
Then the VERY next frame...

Oh where does she get this curly hair? ME ME ME ME, and in case you didn't hear... ME!
Here are some of Jonna this past snow! We had such a blast- but it was FREEZING!!

I never posted any from Essa's Birthday party- so here you go!
Check out her shirt. This is opening the card (with money of course) from Great-Grandma Brodrick.... a family tradition!

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