School Week 3!

So this week we finished up a few activites I wanted the kids to complete last week, but we didn't get around to it. We did some more "A" activites:

And an Apple Tree Handprint page!

Then we moved on to the letter "B"!

We did all sorts of "B" activites! Every week, Essa has a letter collage to do, which she fills with things that start with that lettter (ex. for letter A she did apple cereal, the letter B she filled in with beads ... [even though they kept falling off because they were too heavy])

She did butterfly size sorting, buttefly lacing, buttefly prewriting cards, and lots more! Including: Bottlecap letter match up

And making coffee filter butteflies:

(Which we hung above the girl's bed)

This week the kids had their very first baking class with Jemma's mother-in-law (she used to be a professional cake decorator). They loved it!

He looks so serious!

We then used the cakes to celebrate my Mom's birthday with her!

We worked on our Christmas Cantana. If you can come, please do! We are not sure of the date yet, but the kids are working really hard gearing up. They will be doing a song to handbells:

Playing their choice of song on the piano:

And doing a skit to a very special book... "The Shepards Suprise". It is a tradition that my dad created when Jemma was born that he reads this book every year at Christmas. So this will be a very special skit! I'm SO excited!

We also began our country study this week! The first country we are learning about is the US!

So we sewed together a US flag, and learned what all those stars and stripes mean!

We learned about major landfeatures(such as the Great Lakes, the Gulf of Mexico, the Rocky Mountains, etc) and labeled some maps!

We learned about the animals in the US, classified them on our animal board, and made animal mini books! We also made some of them out of playdough! (Like Enoch's rattlesnake??)

[By the way, did you know that a rattlesnake grows a new button every year? So you can easily tell how old one is by looking at their tail!]

Which turned into other playdough critters:

Then we had to learn all the different layers of a forest! Enoch had this worksheet he had to complete:

So to make it really hit home, I decided it would be much easier to learn the layers of the forest if we actuallly made one! So we did! We made a forest diorama!

He took all the animals that were listed on his worksheet and cut them out of construction paper, then we classified them into different layers on the forest!
See his bald eagle?

Can you spot the lemur and the monarch buttefly?

We also learned about Dwight L. Moody and the great Chicago fire (back in 1871).. which was So cool- seeing how we were just there last summer!

Then to wrap up the week, we made native american indian war bonnetts!

While listening to none other than Indian music (which we danced around the house playing follow the leader to.... just as the Indian kids do!)

Don't let those sweet little faces fool you! I have a very skiddish dog who absoulty HATED the war bonnetts! She barked and growled, so the children felt the need to chase her around the the house with it, until she eventually ran and hid under my bed! Hey.... I thought we were all raising wild Indians!!

What a FUN FUN week we had!

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